2024 Annual Report Statement

As a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), Karl Faller e.K. reviewed the established guidelines & procedures to continue to comply with the implementation Code of Practices (COP) again in 2024.

In order to comply with these, there are ongoing reviews of conflict and high-risk areas based on the CAHRA list. A risk assessment of the individual gems and their origin is also carried out and regularly reviewed by Karl Faller e.K.

The data and changes compared to the previous year of the “WGI“ (Worldwide Governance Indicators) are also analyzed and recorded. The indicators include voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence, government performance, state governance, rule of law and control of corruption.

On corruption control, Karl Faller e.K. also recorded the Corruption Perceptions Index (CIP) in 2024. This index is intended to represent the perceived (personal experience) of corruption.

In terms of suppliers, no serious risks to human rights or labour practices (including forced labour, child labour, poor labour practices) were identified in 2024. We continue to encourage our suppliers to join the RJC.


Furthermore, it is important for Karl Faller e.K. to continuously develop business processes from an ethical, social and ecological point of view.

The following measures have been implemented 2024 at company Karl Faller e.K.:

  • Introduction of electronic invoicing
  • FSC printing paper
  • CO2 compensation for orders
  • Donations (e.g. for charity events in the area, Unicef, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz)
  • Seminars on occupational safety

We will continue to work with our supply chain throughout 2025 to build on these efforts which will include, where applicable, steps to appropriately manage identified risks in alignment with our policies and the requirements of the RJC Code of Practices standard.

The implemented processes and controls to manage the environmental impacts of our direct business operations are still being enforced.