Welcome! Here we show you a selection of our beautiful gems. If you are searching for something different please let us know, it’s only a part of our stock. For prices and further informations please contact us:
Clear Filter- Zertifikate
- Ja
- Nein
- Farben
- Blau
- Braun
- Cornflower Blue
- Farbwechsel
- Gelb
- Grau
- Grün
- Indigo
- Lagoon
- Lila
- Mint
- Muzo Green
- Orange
- Padparadscha
- Pfirsich
- Pigeon’s Blood Red
- Pink
- Rosa
- Rot
- Royal Blue
- Santa Maria
- Teal
- Violett
- Weiß
- Steinart
- Aquamarin
- Granat
- Rubin
- Saphir
- Smaragd
- Spinell
- Tsavorit
- Turmalin
- Herkunft
- Afghanistan
- Äthiopien
- Brasilien
- Burma
- Kaschmir
- Kenia
- Kolumbien
- Madagaskar
- Mosambik
- Ost Afrika
- Sambia
- Sri Lanka
- Tansania
- Tansania (Mahenge)
- Thailand
- Schliffe
- Achteck
- Antik
- Baguette
- Carrée
- Herz
- Navette
- Oval
- Princess cut
- Rund
- Triangel
- Tropfen
- Gewichte
- >10 ct.
- <1 ct.
- 1 ct.
- 10 ct.
- 2 ct.
- 3 ct.
- 4 ct.
- 5 ct.
- 6 ct.
- 7 ct.
- 8 ct.
- 9 ct.
Sapphire yellow, 6,8mm, 1,60ct.
Sapphire purple, fac., oval, 9x7mm, 2,42ct.
Sapphire light pink/peach, fac., oval, 9x7mm, 2,30ct.
Sapphire oval, 1,52ct.
Sapphire oval, 1,95ct.
Sapphire yellow/peach, fac., oval, 7x5mm, 1,04ct.
Sapphire yellow, fac., oval, 7x5mm, 1,18ct.
Sapphire purple, not heated, fac., oval, 0,93ct.
Sapphire light pink, not heated, fac., cush., 1,54ct.
Sapphire, fac., Triangle, 1,18ct.
Sapphire green, fac., em.cut., 1,06ct.
Ruby, fac., heart, 1,63ct.
Ruby, fac., triangle, 1,91ct.
Ruby, fac., triangle, 2,17ct.
Ruby, fac., triangle, 1,60ct.
Ruby, fac., heart, 7x7mm, 1,36ct.
Ruby, fac., heart, 7x7mm,1,41ct.
Ruby, fac., heart, 7x7mm,1,63ct.
Ruby fac., heart, 8,2×7,5mm, 1,88ct.
Ruby, fac., heart, 8,2×7,5mm, 2,40ct.
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, fac., pear shape, 2,01ct
Ruby, fac., pear shape, 11,2×7,9mm, 3,34ct.
Ruby, fac., pearshape, 7,7x7mm, 1,56ct.
Ruby, fac., pearshape, 7,7x7mm, 2,07ct.
Ruby, not heated fac., pearshape, 8,2×5,4mm, 1,22ct.
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, not heated, fac., pear shape, 7,0×5,2mm, 1,01ct.
Ruby Pigeons Blood Red, not heated, fac., pear shape, 9,5×6,8mm, 2,05ct.
Ruby, not heated, fac., pear shape, 9,9×6,4mm, 1,54ct
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, not heated, fac., cush., 8,9×7,3mm, 2,26ct
2 Ruby, fac., cush., 6,2×6,0mm, 2,11ct.
3 Ruby, fac., cush., 6x6mm, 3,47ct.
Ruby, fac., cush., 6x6mm 1,04ct.
Ruby, fac., cush., 6,3-6,4mm, 1,07ct.
Ruby, not heated, fac., cush., 7,2×5,4mm, 1,23ct.
Ruby, not heated, fac., oval, 7,4×5,5mm, 1,05ct.
Ruby, not heated, fac., oval, 7,4×5,9mm, 1,13ct.
Ruby, fac., oval, 8x6mm, 1,23ct.
Ruby, fac., oval, 8x6mm, 1,32ct.
Ruby, fac., oval, 8x6mm, 1,33ct.
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, H(a), fac., oval, 8,4×6,9mm, 2,02ct.
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, H(a), fac., oval, 8,5×6,6mm, 2,50ct.
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, not heated, fac., oval, 7,3×5,7mm, 1,17ct.
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, not heated, fac., oval, 7,1×5,4mm, 2,12ct
Ruby, not heated, fac., oval, 7,6×5,7mm, 1,26ct.
Ruby Pigeon’s Blood Red, not heated, fac., oval, 7,9×6,4mm, 3,12ct.
Ruby, fac., oval, 8×6,3mm, 2,25ct
Ruby, fac., oval, 8,2×6,1mm, 2,08ct.
Ruby, fac., oval, 7,5×6,1mm, 1,63ct.
Ruby vivid pinkish red, oval, 9,4×7,4mm, 3,01ct.
Ruby, Pigeon’s Blood Red, H(a), fac., oval, 8,5×7,1mm, 2,49ct.
Ruby, fac., oval, 7×5,8mm, 1,12ct.
Ruby, fac., oval, 7×5,8mm, 1,14ct.
Ruby vivid red, fac., oval, 8,0×6,0mm, 1,29ct.
Ruby, H(a), fac., oval, 9,9×7,6mm, 3,02ct.
Ruby, fac., pear shape, 8,0×5,7mm, 0,99ct.
Emerald, fac., Heart, 12,6×11,5mm, 5,03ct.
Emerald, not oiled, fac., em.cut, 6,7×6,4mm, 1,21ct.
Emerald, not oiled, fac., cush, 6,4×6,4mm, 1,05ct.
Emerald, fac., round, 6mm, 0,86ct.
Emerald vivid green, mi, fac., round, 7,9mm, 1,34ct.
Emerald, fac., round, 7,5mm, 1,80ct.
Emerald, fac., round, 9,6mm, 2,90ct.
Emerald, no oil, fac., em.cut, 12,9×10,2mm, 5,43ct.